Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Foto Eksklusif Korea Utara yang Paling Tersembunyi dan Berbahaya di Dunia

Foto-foto berikut didokumentasi oleh Richard Shear, seorang pemain golf yang mengikuti kompetisi golf di Korea Utara yang dilansir oleh dailymail. Dimana paranoia telah menyelimuti negara tersebut; Anda tidak akan menemukan mobil yang menyusuri jalan-jalan kota. Seluruh tempat begitu diam dan inilah negara yang paling rahasia dan berbahaya di bumi.
Gerimis menyapu jalanan dan angin yang pahit merobek daun-daun dari pohon.  Tidak akan ada ledakan tiba-tiba dan para petani membungkuk untuk menggali satu hektar lebih ke dalam lumpur coklat dengan cangkul, atau kerbau menarik bajak di tanah yang gersang.
Ini adalah bangsa di dunia paling militer, dengan personil militer hampir sepuluh juta aktif. Di surat kabar kelaparan massal, orang yang tinggal dalam kesengsaraan di bawah rezim brutal dan kamp-kamp penjara, para tahanan merasa lebih baik mati daripada menderita kesulitan tak tertahankan bertahun-tahun.

Richard shears with north korean caddy miss nim on the pyongyang golf course in the first ever tournament to be played in the secretive country on earth

Richard Shears bersama caddy Miss Nim di Pyongyang, Korea Utara.
One of the main streets in the north korean capital, pyongyang. there are relatively few vehicles in the country and most streets are just like this, virtually devoid of traffic
A boy hurries along a street, typically empty of cars, in pyongyang, where bicycles and walking are the main means of getting about
A rare image: girl cadets learning how to march in pyongyang
Close to the demilitarised zone in north korea, a soldier turns to read an inscription on a monument marking the death of great leader kim il sung, praised for taking the country out of the ruins of the korean war

A north korean military officer stares at south korea across the demarkation line inside the demilitarised zone (dmz) between the two bitter nations. the line is immediately in front of the blue buildings on the side closest to the officer's position
North koreans clamber onto an already overcrowded bus - one of the few forms of transport in pyongyang
Taken secretly from a bus, this picture shows a typical street in pyongyang with public housing in the background. north koreans are given flats free once married, but have to pay 3 per cent of their income for power and water
Another picture taken secretly from a bus, this image shows children working in a field south of pyongyang
The economy is largely based on agriculture
Pictured from dandong, china, these north koreans stare across the yalu river separating the two countries. many stand for hours looking at the chinese city that is for most beyond reach - so near yet so far
Photo taken from a boat in the middle of the yalu river between china and north korea shows two north korean men sharing a joke on the riverside wharf. it is the closest they will get to china - and the world beyond
A north korean woman in traditional dress walks through a garden north of pyongyang
A buddhist monk peers out from a preserved temple north of pyongyang
Richard shears strikes a blow for the west on the pyongyang club course in north korea



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